What is a good NPS score?

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) was developed after testing several questions to find the one that best aligned with customer loyalty. Fred Reichheld and Bain & Company developed and trademarked it. Since that time many argue that it is by far the best customer loyalty metric on the market and also the most accurate.




Once we have introduced the culture of customer experience measurement in our organization, and we have used the Net Promoter Score metric as the main reference, we always ask ourselves the question:

What is a good NPS score?


There is no single answer to this question. If you use the absolute Net Promoter Score method (you don’t compare the analysis to either your industry or your direct competition), the higher the scores, the better they are. It’s as simple as that. So, a score of 80 is great, when calculated with the Absolute method.

However, there are scores that depending on the sector are good and in other cases depending on the scores of the sector and the competition, they are not so good.





If we analyze our Net Promoter Score relatively, it will be determined by the industry in which the company operates and how it compares to the competition. But for this, we need to obtain data from the industry and competitors.

Here following Survey Sparrow we have contextually chosen some sectors to further emphasize this method of looking at Net Promoter Scores. If you operate in any of these sectors and have a Net Promoter Score above the sector average, it is a good score.

You can compare yourself to famous brands (you can find the information in Trustmary’s post):

Tesla has a Net Promoter Score of 96, Starbucks 77 , Airbnb 74, Netflix 68 and Amazon 64.




Regarding the sector indicators, following Survey Sparrow we have the following references:

a.- Hospitals and Healthcare – The average Net Promoter Score of the hospitals and healthcare sector is 75. The leading player in the sector is DPC Health Care, with an NPS score of 98.

b.- IT products and network security – 34 is the benchmark Net Promoter Score value for those in a particular sector. The highest NPS is 98, which belongs to Fractal.

c.- Marketing and Advertising – The Net Promoter Score benchmark for the sector is 44, while the highest NPS score, 82, belongs to Ruddocks.

d.- Accounting – The average NPS for the Accounting sector is 72, with the highest NPS score of 93 belonging to Equity Method.

e.- Apparel and Fashion – The sector’s NPS benchmark is 72. The highest NPS score in the sector is that of Amour Vert, which is 88.

f.- Media – The sector NPS benchmark is 15, and the highest NPS score, 21, belongs to Univision.

g.- Education – The average NPS of the education sector is 66. CrossKnowledge has the highest NPS of 93.

h.- Real Estate – The benchmark NPS of the real estate sector is 30. The highest score in the sector is 82 by Virtuance.

i- Luxury Goods and Jewelry – The industry average is 45. Tiffany & Co. has the highest NPS score of 51.


I hope this data helps you to assess your Net Promoter Score metrics, you know that tools like experience management platform helps you to measure the indicators associated with customer experience.


customer experience program
